Прва постхладноратовска „хуманитарна интервенција“ - Вуковар 1991. г
Date Issued |
2017 |
This article is critical-scientific contribution to the next edition of the book: D. Živić, S. Špoljar Vržina, S. Cvikić, I. Žebec Šilj (eds.), Vukovar '91 – Genocid i memoricidna baština Europske Unije, Zagreb: Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, 2014. The fundamental aim of the article is to present an alternative view and facts on the background of the military-political case of the „Vukovar Operation” in 1991 in the broader context of the internal and external brutal destruction of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), historical disputes and struggles between the Serbs and the Croats as well as in the context of the international law and moral guidelines of the global politics and regional security at the time of the very beginning of the post-Cold War era of the international relations. The article is breaking a traditional post-Cold War Western historiographic and political standpoints on the nature of the destruction of ex-Yugoslavia followed by the bloody wars for her succession, and as such can be an important contribution to making more objective scientific picture on the topic of disappearance of the SFRY in the 1990s.