Short term spatio-temporal variability of soil water extractable Al and Zn after a low severity grassland fire in Lithuania
Author(s) | |
Pranskevičius, Mantas | Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas |
Bolutienė, Violeta | Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas |
Jordán, Antonio | MED_Soil Research Group. Departamento de Cristalografía, Mineralogía y Química Agrícola, Facultad de Química, Universidad de Sevilla |
Zavala, Lorena | MED_Soil Research Group. Departamento de Cristalografía, Mineralogía y Química Agrícola, Facultad de Química, Universidad de Sevilla |
Úbeda, Xavier | GRAM- Grup de Recerca Ambiental Mediterranea, Departament de Geografia Fisica i Analisis Regional, Universitat de Barcelona |
Cerdà, Artemi | SEDER (Soil Erosion and Degradation Research Group). Departamento de Geografia, Universitat de València |
Red Tematica Nacional Efectos de los Incendios Forestales sobre los Suelos |
Date Issued |
2015 |
The aim of this work is to study the short-term impact (2, 5, 7 and 9 months after the fire) of a low severity grassland fire on the spatio-temporal variability of soil water extractable Al and Zn. The spatial variability of these nutrients was assessed using some well-known interpolation techniques: inverse distance weighted (IDW) raisen to 1, 2, 3 and 4, radial basis functions (inverse multiquadratic, multilog, muitiquadratic, natural cubic spline and thin plate spline) and first and second order local polynomials. No significant differences were identified between soil water extractable Al from control and burned plots. On the contrary, significant differences were found for water-extractable Zn 5 and 9 months after the fire. Significant differences were identified through time, which can be attributed to seasonal variations in the availability of nutrients. In most cases, the best interpolators were IDW techniques suggesting that the spatial distribution was heterogeneous and the small-scale variability was high. This can be attributed to different plant nutrient demands and varying soil infiltration rates. Overall, low severity burning did not showed important impacts on the studied elements.