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A dual-cycle approach to financial identity: Can the three-dimensional model be used to study the processes of identity formation in the domain of personal finances?
Type of publication
Konferencijų tezės nerecenzuojamame leidinyje / Conference theses in non-peer-reviewed publication (T2)
Sorgente, Angela | Nenurodyta |
A dual-cycle approach to financial identity: Can the three-dimensional model be used to study the processes of identity formation in the domain of personal finances?
Date Issued
p. 29
Is part of
ISRI. The International Society for Research on Identity : conference program : 26th Annual Conference Monday 13 May - Wednesday 15 May, 2019 Naples, Italy. Naples : International Society for Research on Identity, 2019.
Field of Science
This study adopts the 3-factor model to study the processes of financial identity formation and investigates how youth characterized by different financial identity statuses differ in financial behaviors, well-being, and stress. Participants were 533 first-year college students (56.8% women; Mage = 18.93). The 3 financial identity processes were measured with an adapted version of the U-MICS. Results suggest that the adapted scale can differentiate and reliably measure the three financial identity processes and can be used to distinguish financial identity statuses that are meaningfully associated with outcomes of financial identity formation.
Type of document
type::text::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper
Coverage Spatial
Italija / Italy (IT)
Anglų / English (en)
Bibliographic Details
Jaunuolių finansinių gebėjimų raidos mechanizmai / Development of Financial Capabilities in Emerging Adulthood |