Assessment of the continuing education of employess and manager of the organization
Author(s) | |
Shcherbakova, Olga | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics |
Velikorossov, Vladimir | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics |
Filin, Sergey | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics |
Yakushev, Alexey | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics |
Prodanova, Natalia | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics |
Balakhanova, Dariko | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics |
Date Issued |
2021 |
Currently, new requirements are being put forward for personnel training: constant updating, expansion and deepening of the existing knowledge of workers, specialists and managers of all levels, and this article proposes a solution to the problem of assessing the continuous education of employees and managers of an organization. The hypothesis of this study is to prove the effectiveness of continuing education for employees and managers of an organization, its impact on the competitiveness of the latter in the context of the transformation of the world economy. It is concluded that the assessment of continuous training of personnel is necessary to establish how the organization benefits from training, or to find out whether the form of training used by the organization is effective. Research methods prioritized were - analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization.This assessment allows you to constantly work to improve the quality of education, to exclude ineffective curricula and forms of education.