Teisės kalba
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2010 |
Legalese is part of general language and the same requirements are obligatory for it. For this reason, the legal terms, grammar, declensions and prepositions in Legalese should conform to the standards of general language. In publications that are designed for practising Legalese, its peculiarities are constantly revised, common mistakes are thoroughly analyzed and equivalents for controversial items are proposed. Having analyzed previously and currently published Codes and their comments, it is obvious that a number of adjustments were accomplished such as inadequate adjectives ("lawsuit claim“ – ieškininis pareiškimas, "positive / negative prescription“ – ieškininė senatis, "subsidiary liability“ – subsidiarinė atsakomybė, "solidary duty“ – solidarinė prievolė) or some prefexes like "bendr“ in collocations bendraskolininkas, bendraieškovis were withdrawn. However it is worth noticing that in some cases either corrected or earlier used terms are incorporated, i.e. atstovai pagal įstatymą ir įstatyminiai atstovai, preliminariosios sutartys ir preliminarinės sutartys, bendraturtis ir bendrasavininkis. Sometimes there is lack of attention selecting the right grammatical forms, declensions and prepositions, which leads to significant differences between Lithuanian Legalese and general language, for example, in the following expressions asmuo traukiamas įtariamuoju, apklausiamas liudytoju, įtariamojo atžvilgiu iškeliama (nutraukiama) byla. It should be emphasized that deviations from the standards of general language cannot be justified if it is possible to avoid them.