Vienašališko sutarties nutraukimo pagrindai, tvarka bei pasekmės Lietuvos Respublikos civilinėje teisėje
Teisės institutas |
Date Issued |
2006 |
Straipsnio tikslą sąlygojo pasirinktos temos aktualumas teisininkams profesionalams bei civilinių teisinių santykių dalyviams. Straipsnyje analizuojami sutarties nutraukimo teisiniai pagrindai, sutarties nutraukimo tvarka, sutarties nutraukimo momentas ir sutarties nutraukimo teisiniai padariniai. Darbo tikslas - teismų praktikos analizė aktualiais sutarčių nutraukimo klausimais bei teorinė sutarčių nutraukimo institutą reglamentuojančių normų analizė. Tuo tikslu straipsnyje taikomi sisteminis, lyginamasis, loginis bei kiti metodai.
Section XVIII of the Book 6 of the Civil Code regulates grounds and order of termination of contracts and following the principles of international commercial contracts prepared by UNIDROIT on 1994, introduces a term „fundamental breach of a contract", a concept that is new in the Lithuanian civil system. Breach of contract leaves the nonperforminga or improperly performing party open to a claim for damages by the other party. The non-breaching party is relieved of his obligations under the contract by the other party's breach. The aggrieved party, to help support his claim for breach, should have done all the things required of him under the contract up until the time of breach, and must have done nothing to make it impossible or unreasonably difficult for the other parry to perform his share. The nonperforming party can be expected to make excuses for his conduct, and he will try to find ways to blame the other party—an excellent argument for performing one's own side of a contract punctiliously and in a manner that leaves a record which others can see [...]