Europos Sąjungos pašto paslaugų sektoriaus liberalizavimo procesas ir jo rezultatai
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2010 |
Competitive and high quality postal market is considered as one of the priorities for internal affairs by supreme institutions by European Union (hereinafter – EU). Three European Parliament and Council directives brought European postal market to new rules, to which to adjust not all countries are successful. The goal of the paper is to identify means for successful adjustment to liberalized postal market. Research method analysis, synthesis, deduction and generalization were used. The findings presented: a) that most popular way to dealing with new situation in the market is to introduce e-services for customers; b) most popular e-services in EU postal market are registration on website, information preparation service, electronic payments, electronic contracts, electronic commerce, electronic post stamp; c) 37 percent of EU universal postal service providers became privatized, yet no direct connection between ownership type (state or private ownership) and tendency to implement innovations. The research met the limitation in assessment of full range of means, which contribute to universal postal services’ providers’ adjustment to EU liberalized postal market.