Lietuvių kalbos kauzatyvinių veiksmažodžių reikšmės ypatybės
Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla |
Date Issued |
2000 |
(3) Causative verbs can be divided into three groups according to their formal expression: morphological, analytical and lexical causatives. Lithuanian has no analytical causati- ves. In morphological and analytical causatives, the component k has its formal expres¬sion (in morphological causatives - a certain affix (auginti) or vowel grade (lauzti), in analytical causatives - auxiliary verb). In lexical causatives, the component k has no explicit expression, it can be revealed only in the meaning of causative verbs. Lithuanian morphological causatives have the well-defined component P2 and the unspecified component PI. Lithuanian lexical causatives can have a semantic structure of three types: (a) well-defined component P2 and unspecified component PI, (b) well-defined components PI and P2, (c) well-defined component PI and unspecified component P2. The verbs with an unspecified component P2 take an obligatory valence argument compensating P2.