На одру титографиjе: збирка деветнаест чланака
Vladislav B. Sotirovič |
Date Issued |
2012 |
Post-war Titoistic raping of Serbia was systematically organized within a framework of falsification of both the WWII history and the history of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia that was based on notorious lies and fabrication of the documents as well as on constant process of ideologically-politically based washing brains of all Yugoslav citizens but primarily of the Serbs from Serbia. On this way it was established a quasi-scientific historiography – Titography, which had as a main political goal to legalize its own historiography fabrications for the purpose to impose them to the rest of society as a universal ideological dogma that we can call as Titology. The aim of this collection of the articles is to beat a nationalistic great Croatian Titographic Titology by using the relevant archival sources and logical conclusions for the sake to finally bury the Communist lies forever.