Water resource management information system based on web services and distributed data warehouses
Author(s) | ||
Jacobsen, Kim | Carl Bro a/s, Glostrup, Denmark | |
Maskeliūnas, Saulius | Matematikos ir informatikos institutas | |
Matematikos ir informatikos institutas |
Technika |
Date Issued |
2006 |
The paper presents some kind of evaluation, points to the possibilities of sustainable development, challenges now and in the future. The development of Water Resource Management Information System (WRMIS) based on Web Services and portal with distributed data warehouses and geographical map tools is described. The WRMIS has been developed in accordance with the EU Water Framework Directive and EIONET ReportNet infrastructure requirements to environmental Water sector reporting by EU member states. It is realised as a Web portal where users can receive information on environmental Water sector, combining data from the participating data warehouses and giving an opportunity to extract useful information by the use of available functions and tools. The WRMIS portal allows the access to information of data warehouses on the surface water quality in rivers and lakes, ground water, and point sources (emissions). The advantages of Web Service-based solution are presented and the direction of a further WRMIS development in the future is shown.