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Humour in Kazys Binkis’ avant-garde poetry: musical aspects
Type of publication
Tezės kitame recenzuojamame leidinyje / Theses in other peer-reviewed publication (T1e)
Title [en]
Humour in Kazys Binkis’ avant-garde poetry: musical aspects
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2020 |
p. 87-88
Is part of
Поэтика комического в мировой литературе. Сборник статей и материалов научной конференции «XXXII Пуришевские чтения» / Отв. ред. Е.Н. Черноземова, М.А. Дремов. Москва : Rosetta stone, 2020. ISBN 9785604485002.
Field of Science
Abstract (en)
Lithuanian poet Kazys Binkis (1893-1942) was the initiator and leader of the avant-garde group “Keturi vėjai” (The Four Winds). In 1924, he with his colleagues co-founded futuristic journal “Keturi vėjai”, worked as a journalist, edited various publications and articles. His most important works are collections of poetry “Eilėraščiai” (The Poems, 1920), “100 pavasarių” (One Hundred Springs), 1923 plays “Atžalynas” (The Undergrowth, 1937) and “Generalinė repeticija” (The Dress Rehearsal, 1940), humorous and satirical poems, children literature. K. Binkis also translated works of A. Pushkin, I. Krylov, M. Gorky.
Type of document
type::text::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper
ISBN (of the container)
Coverage Spatial
Rusija / Russian Federation (RU)
Anglų / English (en)
Bibliographic Details