Karjeros procesų statutinėje valstybės tarnyboje valdymas
Date Issued |
2002 |
Atkūrus Nepriklausomybę, šalies administravimo reforma vykdoma nuolat, tačiau daugiausia dėmesio skiriama institucijų pertvarkai, iš, kaip juridinių subjektų, teisiniam statusui apibrėžti. Tai labai svarbus klausimas, bet, siekiant aukštesnės valstybės tarnybų veiklos kokybės, ne mažiau svarbu analizuoti ir šių tarnybų, įstaigų pareigūnų problemas. [...]
This article is the first in series to discuss in various aspects the problems of governing process of career in statutory institutions. To reform the career, the sometimes so–cold power, system in the country, the laws to be adopted – to consolidate the police, the customs and the other law enforcement institutions statutes, which is not so essay. The public administration has been the subject of science for a long time. It is the complex social phenomenon and the meanings of basic conceptions have been defined as well as the development in conformity with natural laws. The European tradition of public administration was initiated in France and Prussia. In 18th century German classical philosophy provided the theoretical basis. The first model of law enforcement institutions was created by Max Weber, Thomas Woodrow Wilson and other well known learned scientists, management. Historical analysis and its interpretation have been described from the viewpoint of career governing processes.