Gyvenimo kokybė Lietuvoje: subjektyvus situacijos vertinimas ir realybė
Šiaulių universiteto leidykla |
Date Issued |
2012 |
Pastaruoju metu pasigirsta ne vieno žymaus mokslininko (Jeffrey D. Sachso, J. Stiglitzo, A. Seno ir kt.) teiginiai, pabrėžiantys paprastą tiesą: nepaisant materialinės gerovės augimo, mokslo progreso, technologinės pažangos, vis daugiau žmonių išgyvena depresiją, nepasitenkinimą, pesimizmą. Kaip teigia profesorius Jeffrey D. Sachsas, „bejausmis siekis gauti kuo daugiau pajamų veda prie neregėtos nelygybės ir nerimo, o ne prie didesnės laimės ir pasitenkinimo“. Straipsnyje apžvelgiama viena iš holistinio požiūrio koncepcijų –bendros nacionalinės laimės sąvoka, kiti pasaulyje taikomi gyvenimo kokybės, visuomenės laimės, pasitenkinimo gyvenimu vertinimo metodai.
A number of well-known scientists Jeffrey D. Sachs, Joseph Stiglitz, Amartya Sen, etc. point out a simple truth: notwithstanding the growth of material wealth, scientific progress and technological advancement numbers of people suffering from depression, dissatisfaction, pessimistic thoughts has been growing. According to Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, “the passionless striving to earn as much income as possible leads towards unseen inequality and anxiety rather than greater happiness and satisfaction.” The paper considers one of the concepts of a holistic approach, namely, the “gross national happiness” concept and methods used to assess the quality of life, public happiness, satisfaction with life: the Gross National Happiness (measured in the Kingdom of Bhutan), the Satisfaction with Life Index (calculated according to the methodology developed by Adrian G. White, analyst of social psychology), studies on the European quality of life carried out in Europe, surveys on a quadrennial basis. The commission, set up on the initiative of Nicolas Sarkozy and made up of such well-known scientists as Joseph Stiglitz, Amartya Sen, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, proposed its own methodology for measuring economic performance and social progress, a generalised indicator of satisfaction with life, Happy Life Years, developed by psychologist Ruut Veenhoven. Attempts to assess the quality of life according to synthetic indices are made each year in various regions around the world: The Quality of Life... [to full text]