ES finansinė parama kaimo turizmui : įsisavinimas Ir problemos
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2011 |
Straipsnyje analizuojama ES finansinė parama Lietuvos kaimo turizmo verslui iki įstojimo į ES ir tapus ES nare, atskleidžiamos paramos per du Europos Sąjungos (ES) finansinius instrumentus: SAPARD programą ir Europos Sąjungos struktūrinius fondus (įgyvendinamus pagal Kaimo plėtros 2004–2006 m. planą ir Lietuvos kaimo plėtros 2007–2013 m. programą) raidos tendencijos; nurodomos pagrindinės kliūtys efektyvesniam ES paramos kaimo turizme panaudojimui ir vyriausybės priemonės paprastinant ir lengvinant paramos skyrimo ir administravimo tvarką.
The article aims to analyse and assess the financial support for Lithuanian rural tourism businesses through three European Union (EU) financial instruments: SAPARD programme and European Union Structural Funds under the provisions of the Single Programming Document for 2004-2006 as well as the Rural Development Programme for Lithuania 2007-2013; the major obstacles to the more effective use of EU support for rural tourism are revealed; measures taken by Lithuanian Government to simplify and facilitate the procedure for allocation and administration of support under the Rural Development Programme for Lithuania 2007-2013 are specified; issues to be solved in the shortterm future are identified. EU support through SAPARD programme and Structural Funds used to be and still is an important instrument for securing vitality and competitiveness of Lithuanian rural areas. Enhancing the profitability of Lithuanian rural regions by means of creating jobs in competitive agricultural and rural economic activities as one of the most important aims of EU support has been achieved only partially. [...]