Emigracija: palikti vaikai
Šiaulių universiteto leidykla |
Straipsnyje, remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo kanceliarijos statistiniais duomenimis bei atliktais tyrimais, pristatomos emigracijos Lietuvoje tendencijos, socialiniai jos raidos ir dinamiškumo aspektai. Taip pat bandoma aptarti tėvų emigraciją patyrusių jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų tam tikras asmenybines (emocinių išgyvenimų, elgesio) charakteristikas ir atskleisti visuomenėje vis dar egzistuojančius emocinio ugdymo mitus, neretai sunkinančius tokių vaikų dalią.
This article deals, firstly, with the statistical data of Lithuanian Republic Parliament Chancery on the emigration issues, i.e. the vast tendencies of emigration among the Lithuanians, its social developments and dynamism peculiarities. Secondly, some personal characteristics (e.g. loneliness, aggressiveness, withdrawal, emotional liabilities, latent behaviouralissues, etc.) of primary school children who have experienced emigration of their parents are revealed. According to N. Chomsky, J. James, R. Friedman and L. Matthews, there are still many predominant social myths on emotional education, especially of the children of emigration, when society in most cases would rather ignore negative emotions than deal with them openly and sincerely. Thus, in such individualistic context/perspective, children usually suffer not only the loss of their loved ones (even though for a short period of time), but also the denial of their own natural negative feelings from the outside. Such socio-cultural phenomenon leads children's socialization on the basis of both emotional and behavioural (the cognitive one was not the object of this survey) model.