Zur Phrasemvermittlung im DaF-Unterricht
Date Issued |
2020 |
Phraseological units are an inseparable part of daily communication and that makes them an important part of learning the vocabulary of a foreign language. Nevertheless, phrasemes are seldom focused on in modern student books and manuals. This paper advocates a systematic inclusion of phraseology in the teaching and learning German as a foreign language and gives a theoretically well-founded description of teaching German phraseology in German as a foreign language course. It discusses the relevance of phraseology and a stronger integration of phrasemes in language teaching and didactics as well as overviews the learning materials for teaching phrasemes. The lack of adequate learning materials and exercises concerning phraseology teaching demands a lot of creativity from teachers. The most famous model of teaching phrasems is introduced by Kühn and Lüger. It is based on the three-four steps (“phraseodidaktischer Drei- bzw. Vierschritt”) of teaching phraseology and emphasizes that phraseological units should be taught and acquired on the basis of authentic texts. Linguistic criteria for choosing a text are of particular importance because they should not exceed the language level of the students and, therefore, not demotivate or overwhelm them. Also, selected topics play an important role in the teaching process. This paper presents a didactic proposal based on this model using the text type “description of the film”. The first step (“Erkennen” – recognize) is the identification of phrasemes in a text. Learners have to be able to realize that a construction of words is meant in the indirect sense. The second step (“entschlüsseln” – decode) includes the process of understanding the meaning of a phraseological unit in the context. The third step (“festigen” – consolidate) is the process of acquiring phrasemes with the help of suitable exercises, and the fourth step (“verwenden” – apply) is concentrated on the use of phrasemes. Generally, phraseological units can be included in every lesson or topic. The suggestions for teaching phrasemes that have been made in this paper represent an exemplary approach to the phraseology in learning German vocabulary. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the relevance of phraseology in teaching foreign languages and to encourage teachers for this challenging but rewarding area of language learning, especially at the basic level, and to motivate them to use their own creative materials for teaching German phrasemes.