Assessment of clusters business model efficiency in digital transformation conditions
Date Issued | Start Page | End Page |
2023 | 27 | 38 |
Research background: Nowadays, traditional business models are becoming less and less efficient, so the transformation of models is inevitable, reflecting the aspi-rations of the European strategy, pandemic or geopolitical challenges. Companies need to find ways to innovate with digital technology to create business strategies that add value to customers and improve performance. This paper analyzed the improvement of cluster business models in order to achieve maximum efficiency in the conditions of digital transformation in Lithua-nia. Purpose of the article: to identify the causes of business models efficiency in the context of digital transformation in Lithuanian clusters. Methods: Comparative and systematic analysis of scientific literature. The follow-ing methods are planned to include literature analysis method, survey results. Findings & Value added: - 93 percent of cluster coordinators indicated that they plan to digitize their busi-ness processes within five years, only 7 percent clusters do not plan business digit-ization due to too small company and production volumes and the lack of addition-al need for companies that have already implemented digitalization to do it again; - Digital technologies for the vast majority of clusters mean a competitive ad-vantage in the sector in which the cluster organization operates. - The sectors of the most popular digital technologies that will most affect cluster organizations are named: aircraft-based systems, artificial intelligence, continuous data exchange and collection, business management systems, automation and intel-ligent production, robotics.