Vakarų Europos aklumas ir totalitarizmo pažadai
Lietuvos katalikų mokslo akademija |
Date Issued |
2008 |
Marian Zdziechowski's book “Facing the End”, published for the first time in Vilnius in 1937, for many long decades was not merely a text marking the trajectory of fate in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century. What Zdziechowski presented and analyzed in this book and what we see in Russia today is not just a short term outburst of imperialistic dizziness. The bolshevik Russia raised great turmoil in the minds of the people and public opinion at that time. The article investigates how looking through the perspective of representatives of the communist regime, the necessity of the intellectual take over of Europe was based. There is also a discussion about Europe's intellectuals and artists who spoke in behalf of the Soviet regime or became its accomplices as well as the translations of pro-Soviet works and its explanations in the very texts of the representatives of the totalitarian regime. Only the pro-Soviet literature and publicistic writings of the 1920-1940s and their later Soviet translations are discussed. The article is devoted not merely to the analysis of Zdziechowski's creative heritage. It is more an effort to remind one of the methods of Soviet propaganda, using the favorable disposition of some Western artists.