Studentų nuomonės apie fizinės sveikatos gerinimo aspektus analizė
Date Issued |
2017 |
Straipsnyje analizuojami Mykolo Romerio universiteto Viešojo saugumo fakulteto 2 ir 3 kurso studentų anketinės apklausos rezultatai. Atsakydami į anketos klausimus, respondentai atskleidė savo požiūrį į aktyvų gyvenimo būdą, sveikatą bei jos tausojimo aspektus. Anketoje buvo pateikti klausimai, kurių atsakymai leido apibendrinti ir kitus ypatumus darančius įtaką studijuojančiųjų savijautai, fizinės sveikatos būklės palaikymo ir gerinimo sąlygoms. Tyrimas atliktas siekiant išsiaiškinti apie jų požiūrį į fizinį aktyvumą, kokiu keliu studentai gauna informacijos apie fizinės sveikatos gerinimo ypatumus bei aplinkybes, kurios sudaro optimalias prielaidas fiziškai aktyvaus gyvenimo būdo formavimui. Apklausai vykdyti naudota 1999 metais aprobuota anketa.
The students at the Faculty of Public Security will l ater join the statutory service; that is the profession of that requires a level of higher requi rements for physical fitness and health. In order to adhere to those requirements, future lawenforcemen t officers have to plan their own independent physical activities. This planning includes special competence. The paper presents data of the survey that invited students of the 2 and 3 year of studies to share th eir opinions about health; physical activity and method s to improve physical wellbeing. 156 students (76 men and 80 women), average age: 21 years, participated in the survey; they were asked to provide their perspective by answering a 40 item s anonymous questionnaire (which was created and piloted while implementing a programme “Physical Act ivity”, carried out by Kaunas municipality). Only the data on students’ perspective on leisure p hysical activity are presented further on. For quantitative data processing a nonparametric coeff icient (χ2) was used Survey revealed that a major part of students are in terested in their health. Predominant majority state d that physical activity contributes positively to he alth. Almost three fourths of respondents are inter ested in the impact of exercises on health. 34,6% of resp ondents stated that they knew literature on methods for enhancing physical health. More women (57,50%) than men received information about those issues while watching TV; men (44,74%) look for the simila r information on Internet. More than a half of respondents stated that the primary information was received at school, and also more than a half of respondents thought that health should be a primary responsibility of each person. The paper, therefore, analyses students ‘ women‘s and men‘ approach to health and the process to enhance health, also, the channels of getting infor med about those questions.