Nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo apsaugos problemos Lietuvos valstybinio administravimo sistemoje
Date Issued |
2005 |
Straipsnyje analizuojama vienos iš valstybės kultūros sričių - nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo apsaugos - valstybinis reguliavimas, apžvelgiama Lietuvos paveldosaugos raida prieškariu, tarybiniais ir nepriklausomybės metais. Atskleidžiamas nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo apsaugos problemų sprendimas apskričių ir savivaldybių santykiuose, bandoma įvertinti paveldosaugą visos valstybės mastu. Straipsnyje išanalizuoti Lietuvos Respublikos strateginio planavimo dokumentai bei kiti norminiai aktai, aptartos Lietuvos Respublikos institucijų problemos, kylančios gyvendinant kultūros paveldo apsaugos valdymą, atskleistos paveldosaugos institucijų vykdomos funkcijos bei aptarti jų tarpusavio santykiai, išreikštas požiūris j jų reikalingumą. Be to, pateikiamos tendencijos bei išryškinami pokyčiai kultūros paveldo apsaugos veikloje.
The article analyses one of the areas of statė culture - statė regulation of immovable cultural property protection from the point of view of administrative law. Problcms of relationship between the centrai govemment and municipalines in thefield of immovable cultural property protection are disdosed and actions on the national level are evaluated. For the purpose of comprehensive examination of the topic the author has anaiyzed legislative acts of the Republic of Lithuania and strategic planning documents in thefield of cultural property protection. The article presents the main problems encountered by institutions of the Republic of Lithuania dealing with the administration of cultural property protection, explains their functions and interrelationship and gives judgment about their necessity. The author gives further details about the prevailing tendencies and points out changes in the protection of cultural property. Referring to institutional and legislative analysis the author admits that, since the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Lithuania, statė cultural property protection policy has developed in a positive way. In the background of governing reform attempts were made to implement principles of decentralization and subsidianty and improve public administration. Administrative constraints resulting from cultural property management control are counterbalanced by the motivation of cultural property owners to take care of the property and apply it not only for public, but for private needs as well Property owners are encouraged to protect the cultural property and gain profit too. The analysis ofthe above issues isfollowed by the author's conclusions.