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Электронное управление как ключевой аспект децентрализации государственного управления
Type of publication
Straipsnis recenzuojamoje Lietuvos tarptautinės konferencijos medžiagoje / Article in peer-reviewed Lithuanian international conference proceedings (P1e)
Type of publication (old)
Author(s) |
Kotova, L. V. |
Liamzenko, V. V. |
Title [lt]
Электронное управление как ключевой аспект децентрализации государственного управления
Other Title [en]
Electronic Management as a Key Aspect of State Administration Decentralisation
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2018 |
Is part of
International Security in the Frame of Modern Global Challenges: Collection of Scientific Works / Mykolas Romeris University, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Field of Science
Abstract (en)
The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of electronic government in the context of modern decentralization of power. The definition of the term "electronic government" is considered. Attention is drawn to the problems that arise in the way of the introduction of e-government in the bodies of local self-government. Examples of successful implementation of e-government in Scandinavian and Baltic countries are examined. The advantages of introduction of e-government as an essential mechanism for realizing the rights of citizens are identified.
Type of document
type::text::journal::journal article::research article
Kita / Other
Access Rights
Atviroji prieiga / Open Access