Siły wpływające na prywatyzację ujętą jako proces kształtowania właścicieli
Savas, Emanuel Steve | Niujorko Baruch College City universitetas |
Date Issued |
2005 |
Privatization can be defined broadly as relying more on the private institutions of society and less on government to satisfy people's needs. It is not only the act (of reducing the role of government) but owners-forming process too. Several major influences have propelled the privatization movement: pragmatic, economic, philosophical, commercial, and populist. The goal of the pragmatists is better government, in the sense of a more cost-effective one. Economic affluence reduces people's dependence on government and increases their acceptance of privatized approaches. The goal of those who approach the matter philosophically - some would say ideologically - is less government, one that plays a smaller role vis-a-vis private institutions; government which governs least governs best. The goal of commercial interests is to get more business by having more of government's spending directed toward them. And the goal of the populists is to achieve a better society by empowering people so they can satisfy their common needs, while diminishing the power of large public and private bureaucracies. The authors try to analyse all three forces to influence privatisation process. The purpose of privatization is to improve government performance and thereby improve the lives of those dependent on government, while saving money and improving services for all taxpayers and thereby improving their lives as owners as well.