Teisinis saugumas - efektyvumo indikatorius organizacijos personalo valdyme
Date Issued |
2012 |
Stream A "Justice, Security and Human Rights"
Straipsnyje analizuojamos vadybos teorijos per organizacijos galimybių prizmę pasinaudoti teisinio saugumo principu ne tik užtikrinant teisinio reguliavimo tikrumą bei stabilumą organizacijose (taip apsaugant pačių darbuotojų teises, gerbiant jų teisėtus interesus ir lūkesčius), bet ir gauti kitą naudą, t.y. didinti pačios organizacijos efektyvumą. Stiprėjant konkurencijai tarp viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus organizacijų, šis principas tampa vis labiau reikšmingas kuriant didesnę organizacijos vertę. Straipsnyje pateikiamos rekomendacijos, padės suvokti teisinio saugumo svarbą, bei leis organizacijų vadovams ar kitiems atsakingiems asmenims kitaip pažvelgti į šio principo taikymą vadyboje.
The article presents the concept of legal security predominant in every organization. The legal security is important in both the public and private sector organizations, as it affects not only state governance but also the organization (or personnel) management. Legal security concept often distinguish between two levels: law security as a separate component of the system, and security of human (employee) rights ensured by legal means. The author notes, although the legal security is concurrent with the principle of legal state, it is worth to consider smaller formations of legal state (i.e. public and private sector organizations), which are influenced by an internal value of the organization and can be used to increase effectiveness of organization (or management of human resources). The implementation of the legal security (or its elements) is sophisticated and time-consuming process that involves a lot of management processes. The research takes on management theories (concepts) considering the opportunities for organizations to use the legal security to ensure the certainty and stability of the legal regulations in the organization (thus protecting the rights of employers out of respect for their legitimate interests and expectations), and to increase the efficiency of organization. The author presents findings and recommendations, which will both help to understand the importance of legal security and enable organizations’ managers or other responsible persons to look to the implementation of this principle from the management point of view.