Mokytojų rengimo kursai tarpukario Lietuvoje =
Šiaulių universiteto leidykla |
Straipsnyje aptariama aktuali istoriniu ir kultūrologiniu požiūriu pradinių mokyklų mokytojų rengimo svarba atkūrus Lietuvos valstybingumą 1918 m., analizuojami tarpukario Lietuvos švietimo ministerijos doku¬mentai mokytojų rengimo klausimais, atskleidžiama mokytojų rengimo įvairių tipų kursuose eiga, .iškilusios problemos, populiarios to laikmečio pedagoginių darbo kursų idėjos ir jų trūkumai. Didžiulis dėmesys straips¬nyje skiriamas Šiauliuose veikusiems mokytojų rengimo kursams.
The need of building a teacher training system and formation of the net of teacher training institutions in the period of restoration of independence in Lithuania in 1918 is emphasized in the article. The role of teacher training courses during the inter-war period in main cities of Lithuania is analyzed. Newly re-established state of Lithuania did not have national teachers. The elder generation of teachers were educated in Russian during Tsarist Russia's occupation, The question of vital importance was the initiation of national teacher training. At the beginning of the formation of teacher training system two types of coursers: three month summer courses and a year (later prolonged two years) teacher training courses for primary school teachers were organized in the main cities of Lithuania. Western pedagogical labour courses were popular during the interwar period in Lithuania as well. For the implementation of those ideas intellectuals of Lithuania organized pedagogical labour courses for teachers. Historical and cultural role of this period for future teacher training and education system is discussed in the article. A conclusion is made that courses helped to solve the problem of shortage of teachers during the inter-war period in Lithuania.