Global reporting initiative trends in Lithuania
Social responsibility has never been more prominent on the corporate agenda than it is today. With the development of economy and society, people are paying more and more attention to corporate social responsibility. Organizational sustainability or corporate social responsibility is obviously concerned with reporting for stakeholders on actions towards sustainability issues. The most popular reporting methods are three: the Global Reporting Initiative, the Global Compact, ISO26000 guidelines. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international institution whose mission is to establish guidelines for the publication of nonfinancial information on sustainable development. Most of the Banks in Lithuania observes the Global Compact's ten principles. Directive 2014/95/EU lays down the rules on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by large companies. Companies are required to include non-financial statements in their annual reports from 2018 onwards. Global Reporting Initiative is strongly committed to social issues and especially invested in educational, entrepreneurial and innovation initiatives. Article analyze social responsibility, Global Reporting Initiative implementation and sustainability reporting trends in Lithuania companies.