The goal of company financial management - sustainability aspect
Date Issued |
2012 |
In recent years, many questions have arisen concerning the problem of formulation and assessment of the company management goal. The financial crisis has highlighted very important aspect of the company management: the need for the company, as an object for the owner's investments, to give economic benefits to the latter during a sufficiently long period of time. This paper tackles different issues related to the development of the system of the objectives of a company's financial management that also includes its sustainability. Here the main purpose of the company management is the increase of the owners’ property value. For the purpose of formulation of the corporate financial management objective it is appropriate to refer not to a single objective or a set of same-level objectives; a much more expedient approach is a creation of the so-called objective tree integrating the requirements of the entity's sustainability. This article is related to the formulation company’s financial management system of goals, and the analysis of the factors that influence the achievement of these goals, as well as of potential indicators that can help to execute a quantitative assessment for the research purposes.