Predikabilių, antepredikamentų ir postpredikamentų interpretacija scholastinėje logikoje Lietuvoje XVI a. antroje pusėje
Date Issued |
2003 |
In the consideration of the problem of the principle of individuation, Śmiglecki and Ortiz entered one of the most significant scholastic disputes. Ortiz adhered to the scotistic side of this dispute, asserting the individuality of a particular entity to emerge from the individual form (haecceitas) of that particular entity. Meanwhile Śmiglecki offered an interpretation of the individuatuin principle similar to the position of "Doctor Eximius", that is Francis Suarez. Such an interpretation identified the above-mentioned principle with the particular and individual mode of the composite or matter and a specific form of a singular thing.
The interpretation of the so-called predicables or "five words of Porphyry" in the works of representatives of scholastic logic in Lithuania...