Integracijos procesų įtaka visuomenės saugumui
Date Issued |
2007 |
O tai reiškia, kad vykdydamas įprastas užduotis, tarp jų ir visuomenės saugumo užtikrinimo srityje, pareigūnas turi atsižvelgti ir į kitų valstybių narių interesus, gerai išmanyti kaimyninių valstybių nacionalinę teisinę bazę, kadangi visa veikla kitos valstybės teritorijoje vyks pagal tos valstybės teisės aktais suteiktus veiklos įgaliojimus, o Europos Sąjunga grindžiama teisinės valstybės principu, Sąjungos veiklą reglamentuoja sutartys, kurias laisva valia ir demokratiškai pasirašo valstybės narės.
The main goal of Lithuanian internal and foreign policy is to consolidate Lithuanian national security. The basic parts of national security are: human rights; safety of individual liberty; national values; state independence; Constitution (the highest law of the state); conditions of free development of the state; territorial unity; environmental and cultural heritage based on laws or other acts that our Republic has ratified or acceded. Lithuania pursues the policy of national security based on the 3rd constitutional art. which states that no one can limit national sovereignty or assume rights. The stated policy is regulated by some more constitutional articles of the Republic (1st art., 8th art., 94th art., 139th art., etc) as well as by regulations of the constitutional act (June 8, 1992). National security should be treated in different aspects such as social, economical, ecological not only military. The security of our Republic is inseparable part of the security of all Europe and the whole world in general. Integration into European economical or security structures is possible only through active participation in international organizations. Membership in North Atlantic treaty organization (NATO) and European organization (EU) is treated as strategic goal of Lithuanian Republic. It means that doing one’s ordinary duties concerning public order and security of the society an official must take into consideration interests of other member states, should know national juridical basis of neighbor states for an activity in the territory of some state will be performed according to the laws and acts of that state.