Kūrybingumo raiška gido darbe
Prakapienė, Dalia | Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija |
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla |
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama kūrybingumo raiška gido darbe. Remiantis empirinio tyrimo duomenims analizuojami ekskursijų rengimo metodologiniai aspektai vertinant juos kūrybingumo raiškos aspektu. Apibendrinant mokslinę ir metodinę literatūrą analizuojama kokybinio pobūdžio tyrimo metu, taikant interviu metodą apklausti septyni gidai turintys įvairią darbo patirtį, sukaupta tyrimo medžiaga. Straipsnyje, remiantis mokslinės ir metodinės literatūros analize bei empirinio tyrimo duomenimis, pateikiamos išvados, kad apie kūrybiškumo raišką ekskursijos rengimo ir realizavimo metu.
The article addresses the issue of creativity in the work of a guide. The subject of the research is excursion preparation and the role of a guide’s creativity in this process. This article is based on the analysis of theoreti-cal materials and an empirical research in the form of interviews with guides (N=7). The first part of the research dealing with the methodological peculiarities of excursion preparation and discussing the ways of methodological preparation for an excursion has been presented at an international academic conference and published in academic journals (Prakapas, Prakapienė, 2011). This article presents the second part of the research focusing on the reflective assessment of creativity based on the guides’ personal experiences. Based on the analyzed scientific and methodological literature and the findings of the empirical research, the following conclusions have been drawn: 1) there are two aspects to an excursion as a creative activity: firstly, every excursion involves two creative parties, i.e. a guide and an excursion participant, whose contact indicates creativity as a constructive interaction; secondly, the activity of a guide as a professional, i.e. the abil-ity to select literature and excursion sights, to design itineraries, to write texts, to master and lead excursions, is a creative process in the prepara-tion of an excursion that results in an interesting and attractive product; 2) the greatest opportunities for creativity are observed in the following components of the classical excursion structure: the introduction to the theme, different narrative methods in revealing the plots of subthemes, logical transitions, and advertising of other excursions; 3) excursion nar-rative as the most creativity-involving component requires from a guide not only creativity, but also professionalism and prior preparation.