Роль структурних підрозділів закладів вищої освіти з підготовки іноземних громадян у формуванні міжкультурної компетентності іноземних здобувачів (на прикладі Харківського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені Г.С. Сковороди)
Author(s) | ||
Mykolo Romerio universitetas | ||
Васильєва, М.П. | Харківського національного педагогічного університету імені Г.С. Сковороди |
Причорноморський науково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій |
Date Issued |
2022 |
The article is devoted to the study of the role of structural units of higher education institutions in the formation of foreign students’ intercultural competence. In the current conditions of social life in Ukraine, higher education institutions have a high degree of autonomy. That is the reason why the functions of international activities have strengthened. A university’s international activity is an important feature of modern higher educa- tion institution as well as the mechanism of its integration into the global market of educational services. It is proved that a large number of for- eign citizens receive education in higher edu- cation institutions of Ukraine. One of the tasks of universities is to develop foreign students’ intercultural competence. When organizing the educational process with foreigners the follow- ing issues should be taken into consideration: applicants’ language barrier, little knowledge of cultural and religious peculiarities, realia of Ukrai- nian society. An article states that universities’ structural divisions play an important role in the formation of foreign students’ intercultural compe- tence. A department’s inspectors meet foreigners at the airport, help to deal with documents, talk about Ukrainian legislation, way of life, univer- sity structure, rules of conduct in the hall of resi- dence, give information on medical and banking systems of Ukraine. Educational work is also carried out at the Preparatory Department for Foreigners. Students of the department visit the Museum of H.S. Skovoroda KhNPU, are invited to exhibitions and cultural events in Kharkiv and other cities of Ukraine. The articles notices that foreign students’ cultural adaptation takes place through thematic lectures on Ukrainian holidays and the selection of educational material for classes, as well as with the assistance of cultural centers operating at the University.