A Model for the Bounce-Forward Conceptual Framework
Date Issued |
2021 |
Abstract Purpose of the article The resilience of an organisation is based on the fundamental premise that crises are natural in the evolution of any organisation. As such, it is important that organisations focus not on how to protect themselves from difficult situations, but on learning how to live with them and how to use the acquired experience as a driving force to bounce-forward. The purpose of this article is to explore theoretical approaches and utilise methodological tools to reveal the key characteristics of resilient organisations. Methodology/methods The systematic literature review (SLR) method was applied to collect and synthesise relevant scientific literature. SLR was performed under PSALSAR framework Scientific aim The authors sought to identify theoretical evidence that answers the following research questions: How has the phenomenon of resilient organisations been identified and defined? Which theories and concepts have been used to explain the phenomenon of resilient organisations? Findings The concept of resilience has outgrown its original interpretation, which focused on organisational ability to withstand crises and return activities to pre-crisis levels. Today’s resilience represents not only the ability to return to the routine and to adapt to the changed environment by overcoming dynamic events, but also to enhance learning capacity, which allows for growth by constantly learning from oneself and gaining unique experiences. Conclusions The SLR revealed that the concept of resilience is transforming into a structure based on the basic provision that a resilient organisation is not only able to withstand difficult situations and return to pre-crisis levels, but also to use the experience of crises as a driving force to bounce-forward. In this context, the authors propose a conceptual framework of Bounce Forward model, which introduces core characteristics of organisation’s successful response to unexpected threats, i.e., robustness, resilience and antifragility. JEL Classification: D81, D23
This research project received funding from European Social Fund No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0218 under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT) |