Studentų sveikatos žinių ir elgsenos tyrimas
Technologija |
Date Issued |
2009 |
Visuomenės sveikatos lygio kilimus didžia dalimi apsprendžia nesveika gyvensena (rūkymas, alkoholinių gėrimų vartojimas, neracionali mityba, nepakankamas fizinis aktyvumas ir kt.). Todėl šalies sveikatos politikoje prioritetine sritimi turėtą tapti visuomenės sveikatos stiprinimas bet diegiama sveika gyvensena. Studentija sudaro nemažą Lietuvos jaunimo dalį, jie - busimoji mūsų Šalies karta, Lietuvos intelektualinis potencialas. todėl labai aktualūs yra tyrimai, įvertinantys Šios jaunimo grupes gyvensenos ypatumus. Juo labiau, kad akademinis jaunimas dėl darbo pobūdžio specifiškumo sudaro ypatingą kontingentą, kuriam būdingi neigiamą įtaką sveikatai, darbingumui ir fizinei būklei turintys veiksniai: didelis protinio darbo krūvis, gausus informacijos srautas, psichoemocinė įtampa ir dažnos stresinės situacijos.
The aim of the investigation carried out by us is to ascertain if the students sufficiently know about their health and care about it. Having employed a special students inquest questionnaire we investigated Mykolas Romeris university Faculty of Public Security students attitude to health and harmful factors of health. In the investigation 680 students - 360 girls and 320 boys, who entered the Faculty of Public Security in 2002-2008, participated. In accordance -with the data of our investigation big students majority treat their health seriously and are trying to care more about it. The interrogated students has an understanding about the principal harmful factors influencing health and are ready to change smoking and using alcohol habits, to increase the physical activeness. Every thirdly of female and every fifth of male responded wasn't used alcoholic beverage. 31,6% of male and E 0,2% of female stated being regular smokers. More than half of the students spend their leisure going in for supplementary sports. Many of students feed themselves irrationally: they usually have meals 3,3 times a day. Breakfast, dinner and supper usually eating just 39% of the girls and 67,4% of the boys. Quilting smoking, reducing alcohol, change irrational feeding, and increasing physical activity were the main behavioral changes respondents seriously tried to make adopting healthier lifestyle.