Development of Economic Security of Enterprises in the Conditions of Transformations
Author(s) |
Gonchar, Viktoriya |
Polupanova, Kateryna |
Date Issued |
2022 |
The economic activity of enterprises in real time is carried out in a transformational environment, characterized by reforms in the political, economic, social spheres of life and the formation of a new worldview on the development of economic systems. In such conditions, the security system of the enterprise becomes especially important. The analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches of the disclosure of the essence of economic security of an enterprise in a turbulent environment and digitalization of the economy has identified six vectors of modern scientific achievements deal the economic security of the enterprise. The main factors of economic security of the enterprise are: planning; external and internal environment monitoring; diagnosis in order to implement actions to respond the threats; d) improvement of the system on the control basis. The security of the economic space of enterprises under the conditions of transformations is due to general economic destabilizing factors, factors of industrial development and business security factors. It is proved that the economic security of enterprises is influenced by transformation processes at three levels of government: 1) at higher levels of the economy (macro); 2) external, where transformations are often imposed on the enterprise and have a revolutionary character (meso); 3) internal processes, which called by the requirements of modern market economy and are evolutionary (micro). At the same time one of the condition for an enterprise sustainable development and its competitive position maintaining is the improvement of the information security system. Therefore the mechanism of economic security is characterized as a set of means, methods and tools of influence of subjects of economic security on processes of objects for the purpose of their regulation in the conditions of transformation.