Wychowanie mlodziezy prawoslawnej na Wilenszczyznie: tradycja i wspolczesnosc
Author(s) | |
Romanenkova, Marina | Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas |
Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT |
Date Issued |
2010 |
The issue of this paper consists of selected aspects of the language of Polish youth in Lithuania. It includes a summary of situation when young Lithuanian Poles use their mother's tongue. Attention is predominantly drawn to displaying specific features of the young generation language. Several linguistics elements with regards to phonetics, inflection, word building and syntax are common for the language of majority of Poles living here, regardless of their age. Lexis is a sphere of significant generational differences; nevertheless it also includes a number of lexical entities characteristic for all users of Polish Lithuanian. The basic difference lies in the expressiveness of the youth language. The function of linguistic expression is served by lexical regionalisms used as metaphors of strong emotional and judging character, including loanwords from East Slavonic languages, mainly Russian expressions as well as the Lithuanian ones. The language of Polish youth in Lithuania is extensively saturated with elements of Russian prison slang and general Slavonic curses and vulgarisms.