Mokyklų dalyvavimas apsaugos nuo smurto artimoje aplinkoje procese
Date Issued |
2017 |
Pripažįstama, kad vienas iš efektyvių veiksnių, le miančių tinkamą teisinių mechanizmų įgyvendinimą apsaugos nuo smurto artimoj e aplinkoje srityje, yra sėkmingas tarpinstitucinis bendradarbiavimas. Švietimo ir ugd ymo įstaigoms taip pat numatytas reikšmingas indėlis šiame procese. Smurtui artimoje aplinkoje b ūdingas didelis latentiškumas, todėl pagalba nukentėjusiems vaikams nesuteikiama ne tik dėl nepa kankamo bendradarbiavimo tarp institucijų, bet ir todėl, kad apie dalį žinomų smurto prieš vaikus atv ejų iš viso nepranešama atsakingoms institucijoms. Mokyklos turi pareigą pranešti apie galimą smurtą p rieš vaiką šeimoje, tačiau dėl įvairių priežasčių š ios pareigos vykdymas nėra pakankamas.
Specific activities of the schools, functions and r esponsibilities delegated by national and international laws lead to an obligation to involve in some criminal proceedings for violence against children in close environment, for example reportin g about domestic violence against children to competent authorities, providing them with the rele vant data, etc. The analysis suggests that the duty to report is often performed defectively, and the apli cation of legal liability for failure to comply wit h this obligation is ineffective. Different reasons lead t o this situation both legal and nonlegal: incomple te special legal regulation, lack of legal knowledge, psychological, social and other factors determined by specific activities of schools. Not inadequacy of t he legal regulation but its inappropriate implement ation is most problematic. Enforcing detailed national as well as schools' local legal regulation, training of all staff, application of special preventive programs, including special measures in to common practices, cooperating with competent institutions are the mea sures which could lead to the adequate performance of the obligations. Accordingly, schools have human and legal resources to involve in some criminal proceedings for domestic violence against children more actively, especially in reporting about cases of violence.