Inovacijos versle ir jas lemiantys veiksniai teoriniu ir politiniu aspektu
Šiaulių universiteto leidykla |
Date Issued |
2012 |
Šiandien inovacijos sąvoka vis dažniau vartojama versle. Inovacija laikoma būtinu verslumo elementu ir pagrindiniu verslo sėkmės rodikliu. Šio straipsnio tikslas – ištirti inovacijų versle ir jas lemiančių veiksnių teorinius ES ir Lietuvos politikos aspektus. Straipsniu siekiama apžvelgti teorinius inovacijų ir jų tipų pagrindus; išskirti inovacijas lemiančius veiksnius; išanalizuoti inovatyvios įmonės ir inovacinio projekto koncepcijas; išnagrinėti inovacijų sampratą ES ir Lietuvos politikoje. Naudojamas aprašomasis mokslinių šaltinių ir politinių dokumentų analizės metodas. Tyrimo rezultatais galės pasinaudoti įmonės, kurios nori diegti efektyvias inovacijas.
introduced, but also the factors that most influence on innovation the most. Innovation is a concept associated with the changes in technology, process, process, or methods of operation methodschanges. Innovation can be regarded as a Creation of a technologically new product, / service, / manufacturing, or delivery process can be considered innovation creation. Essential improvement It also can be called innovation of existing products, / service, s / manufacturing, or delivery business processes improvement oras well as provision introduction of the substance and implementation of advanced management techniques can also be regarded as innovation. Innovation can be considered to be aAny change that would allowenabling the a company to achieve better results and increase its performance indicators such as productivity, sales or profitsreturns on investment, can be considered business innovation. Innovations can be classified according toby their content, the level of implementation, the extent of implementation, the level of novelty, level of organizational valuespeculiarities, the nature, of the final result outcome, of theand impact. One of the most common classifications of innovation distinguishdistinguishes the types of innovation in terms of what is created: creating a new product, introducing new technology, creating new management, economic and organizational structures. The Scientific literature distinguishes a number of different factors that affect innovation. The We can identify four categories of main the factors can be administered in accordance with the reasons whydetermining the success of innovation, namely the introduction of innovation drivers, barriers to innovation, collaboration with the external environment, and the sources of information. [...]