Могут ли поправки к Конституции противоречить самой Конституции?
Центр Конституционного права Респ. Армения |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Pursuant to Article 147, Part 1 of the Constitution the Seima may approve or decline the draft of amendment if it is submitted by the group not less than j of the total number of members of the Seima or by not less than 300 000 voters. The law on Amendments to the Constitution adopted by the Seima, cannot make such amendments in the provisions of the Constitution as the legal regulation will contradict the legal regulation which is established in the constitutional positions due to amendment only by the means of referendum. Tangible limitation derives from the general constitutional-legal regulation and is assigned for the protection of universal values and is based on which the Constitution, life of society and state, as well as ensuring of coordination of the provisions of the Constitution.