Europos Tarybos reglamentu Nr. 1/2003 įgyvendintos Europos Bendrijos konkurencijos teisės reformos analizė
Date Issued |
2006 |
Straipsnis susideda iš trijų pagrindinių dalių. Pirmojoje dalyje aptariama Europos Bendrijos (toliau EB) konkurencijos teisės sistema, įtvirtinta Reglamentu Nr. 17/62 [1] ir galiojusi iki Reglamento Nr. 1/2003 [2] įsigaliojimo, t. y. iki 2004 m. gegužes 1 d. Šioje dalyje aptariamos priežastys, lėmusios konkurencijos teisės reformą. Antrojoje dalyje pateikiamas Reglamento Nr. 1/2003 [2] įvertinimas – aptariami tiek pagrindiniai šiuo Reglamentu nustatytos sistemos požymiai, tiek naujojo Reglamento santykis su EB sutartimi bei su Europos Teisingumo Teismo jurisprudencija. Trečiojoje dalyje Reglamentas Nr. 1/2003 [2] įvertinamas konkurencijos politikos atžvilgiu, atskleidžiami šio Reglamento trūkumai.
Competition law in the European Union has a central role to play. Without legal provisions in the EC Treaty aimed to guarantee undistorted competition law it would be impossible to ensure the process of market integration. The present article is devoted to the review of the new regime in the EC competition law system that was established after Regulation 1/2003 came into force on May 1st 2004. This Regulation is often presented as a tool for a modernization of European Community law. It provides new powers for the European Commission in enforcement of the competition law, describes cooperation of the national competition authorities and European Commission and also allows national courts to apply para 3 of Article 81 directly in national court proceedings. One of the main basic novelties brought by this Regulation is decentralization of enforcement of the EC competition law. Regulation abolished notification and Commission’s monopoly of application over Article 81 para 3. Indeed the issue concerning new competition regime has raised many discussions between the lawyers and scholars. Generally officials from the European Commission who drafted this Regulation submit that it is a really big step towards enforcing competition law. However, independent scholars raise many critical comments in relation to the Regulation. There is no attempt to claim in this article that Regulation 1/2003 does not bring any modernization, nonetheless this article is concentrated on critical review of the Regulation and on showing of week sides of new competition regime. This article is comprised of three parts. In first part of the article some attention is paid to the analysis of competition regime, which existed for forty years and was created by Regulation 17/62.