Vadovų mokymosi kryptys nuolatinių pokyčių aplinkoje
Petkevičiūtė, Nijolė |
The activities of the managers of the organizations closely linked to personal learning and Decision-making bodies. Permanent changes and uncertainties in the environment of the manager‘s carried out activities requires a permanent knowledge of themselves, the environment and others. The beginning of the twenty-first century is changing the concept of managers employment and the environment of the activities. Often leader must take immediate and fair decisions making process will not be repeated, because in another environment will require new knowledge. The Executive continuous learning should be focused and targeted on horizontal and vertical tendencies. New type of thinking people are coming and manager‘s work for them is as challenge in the context of permanenet changes. In that case people need long-life learning. New type of organizations more and more need smart and creative people, and management of them is more and more sensitive and complicate, and continues learning of personnel could be according type of activities. Also there could be payed more attention to management of changes and formation productive interpersonal relations in organizations. Pilot studies showed that it is appropriate to determine the level and nature of individuals learning activities in the various organizations, the choice of guides, the organisation of training and the promotion of creative work and continuous learning.
Vadovo veikla organizacijoje tampriai susijusi su asmeniniu mokymusi ir sprendimų priėmimu organizacijose. Nuolatinių pokyčių ir neapibrėžtumų aplinkoje vykdoma vadovo veikla reikalauja nuolatinių žinių apie save, aplinką ir kitus. Dvidešimt pirmojo amžiaus pradžioje keičiasi vadovo darbo samprata ir aplinkos, kurioje vykdoma veikla suvokimas. Dažnai vadovas turi priimti skubius ir teisingus sprendimus, kurių priėmimo procesas negalės būti pakartotas, nes kitoje aplinkoje reikės naujų žinių. Tuo būdu vadovo nuolatinis mokymasis turėtų būti kryptingas ir sumanus.