Following traces of collective intelligence in social networks: case of Lithuania
Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Therefore it is very important to stimulate and support the emergence of innovative participatory instruments that could foster public engagement in policy formation. In order to achieve the research goal, ap-plying analytical and case study methods, following activities were undertaken. We analysed the phenomena of CI and its potential, benefits for tackling of socie-tal changes as well as preconditions of co-creation of value in social networks. Theoretical analysis is followed with examination of the environment of public participation in Lithuanian policy formulation in and overview of social technology based Lithuanian networks (platforms) that are targeting to influence public poli-cy. The preliminary research demonstrates that the number of social projects, funded by public organizations or private persons, is constantly growing in Lithua-nia. However other researches demonstrate that Lithuanian policy makers are conservative enough in selection of participatory instruments. Thus introduction of intellectual capital in form of CI developed in social networks in public policy remains fragmented in Lithuania and requires the shaping of new framework of participation.