Ateities įžvalgų vaidmuo e. valdžios strateginio planavimo procese
Author(s) | |
Grincevičius, Rokas |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2010 |
Independent of the fact, that e. government is developed by country making the first steps in this area, or state, seeking to increase the effectiveness of the existing e. government tool, it is necessary to have methodology to create a basis for the formation of strategic e. government decisions. One of the ways to do it is application of foresight in the strategic e. government planning. Objective of this article is to overview foresight impact on e. government strategic planning. Analysis of literature examines the concept of foresight and it’s role in e. government strategic planning. Foresight effects on e. government strategic planning is analyzed in the context of different dimensions of strategic public administration planning process. Despite the fact, that the foresight is analyzed in context of e. government in this article, the information contained here can be applied to other areas of the public administration strategic planning process. This article can be used as a basis for e. government strategic planning methodology selection and application. Eastern European states are behind other regions with the number of research based on the foresight methodology. This article is a small part of attempt to fill this information vacuum.