Czynniki wpływające na pismo
Author(s) | |
Zieniewicz, Iwona | University of Wroclaw |
Lietuvos teisės universitetas |
Date Issued |
2001 |
Mūsų raštą per visą mūsų gyvenimą veikė įvairūs ne tik patologiniai veiksniai. Dėl šių veiksnių įtakos kinta mūsų raštas. Pokyčiai gali būti trumpalaikiai ir ilgalaikiai, laipsniški ir pastovūs. Raštą veikiantys veiksniai būna išoriniai ir vidiniai. Atskirai analizuojami patologiniai veiksniai, kurie daro įtaką raštui. Ekspertizei labai didelę reikšmę turi tai, kad šie veiksniai žinomi. Tai svarbu ir ruošiant medžiagą ekspertizei (žinios būtinos teismui, prokurorui, tardytojui) ir atliekant ekspertinius tyrimus. Autorė polemizuoja su J. Pobocha, kuris labai plačiai apibūdina rašto patologiją. Neprieštaraudama tokio apibūdinimo reikšmingumui, ji siūlo rašto patologijos apibūdinimą siaurąja prasme.
Influence of various factors on the appearance of handwriting has been the focus of interest of both strictly forensic and interdisciplinary research. The need to carry out the research is fully justified and while the resulting knowledge is important for the forensic science, its legal aspect is even more significant as a document (also drawn by hand) remains within the sphere of interest of penal, administrative and civil law. Knowledge of factors influencing changes in handwriting may therefore facilitate recognition and solution of the problems connected with a document in hearing of evidence. The research in this area has resulted in various classifications of the factors influencing graphism made according to various criteria, which may be divided into: permanent and temporary, external and internal, natural and unnatural, physiological, pathological, etc. Combination of the above results in a more profound classification. Internal factors may be additionally divided into permanent and temporary ones, while external factors may be considered as temporary. Influence of various factors on graphism results in the emergence of the issue of defining pathological handwriting, which may be conceived more or less widely. Pathological handwriting widely conceived is the handwriting displaying changes influenced by illnesses or other disorders in human body or influenced by various external factors. Pathological handwriting less widely conceived is the handwriting characterised by the presence of typical or less typical changes resulting from an illness or a particular state of a human organism, in its psychic, psychosomatic or only physical sphere, which are responsible for a different appearance of graphism as compared with the normal handwriting.