The great economic depression in the Weimar Republic, 1929-1933
Science Publishing Group |
Date Issued |
2014 |
The article deals with the Great Economic Depression of 1929-1933. The research problem is the depression’s negative consequences on the economy of the German Weimar Republic. The aim of the article is to present the main causes and consequences of the global economic and financial crises known as the Great Economic Depression and to investigate how this depression influences the economy and finance of the newly democratic post-war German state called as the Weimar Republic. The particular importance of this research subject is the fact that among all European states at the time it was exactly the Weimar Republic to be mostly affected by the global crises with terrible consequences on social and political life which finally brought Adolf Hitler and his NSDAP to the power in Germany. From the methodological point of view we used a relevant scientific literature followed by the historical sourses. We found that a global Great Economic Depression had mostly nagative economic, social and political influences to the German Weimar Republic which finally became on January 30th, 1933 a prison of Hitler’s NSDAP party in order to seek its salvation.