Kaimo turizmo plėtros perspektyvos Rytų Aukštaitijos regione
Author(s) | |
Narkūnienė, Ramutė | Utenos kolegija |
Šiaulių universiteto bibliotekos Leidybos skyrius |
Date Issued |
2016 |
Straipsnyje autoriai analizuoja kaimo turizmo plėtrą skatinančius bei ribojančius veiksnius Rytų Aukštaitijos regione. Plačiai apžvelgiama užsienio ir Lietuvos mokslininkų nuomonė kaimo turizmo plėtros tema, pateikiama statistinė informacija. Atliktas anketinės apklausos tyrimas, apklausiant Rytų Aukštaitijos regiono kaimo turizmo sodybų savininkus ir lankytojus. Autoriai pristato savo tyrimo rezultatus, kurie atskleidžia kaimo turizmo plėtros perspektyvas Rytų Aukštaitijos regione. Tyrimas priskirtinas prie pilotinių, tačiau atveriantis galimybes tolimesnėms mokslinėms paieškoms.
The authors ofthe articleanalyze thedevelopment ofruraltourismfactorsandperspectives ofthe Eastern Aukštaitija region. The aim of research isperformthe analysis of the ruraltourism development of Eastern Aukštaitija region anddiscussperspectives forthe development ofruraltourismin the region. Objectives of the research are to perform theoretical analysis and analysis of the situation of rural tourism development in the Eastern Aukštaitija region and submit proposals for the development of perspectives. The theoretical part of the article analyzes the theoretical aspects of rural tourism development, provides the thoughtsandreflectionsscientists by analyzedtopic. The scientists and researchers A. I. Polo, D. Frías, R. Sharpley, G. M. V. de la Torre, J. L. T. Herreros, E. M. Fernández, A. Astromskienė, R. Sirusienė, A. Damulienė, J. Ramanauskienė, A. Gargasas, I. Iždonaitė, V. Gražulis, B. Žuromskaitė, V. Žilinskas , M. Maksimenkoand others analysed the development of the rural tourism in different view. Like research methods was used the analysis ofscientific literature, quantitative surveyandgeneralization of questionnaire data. Eastern Aukštaitija region was elected for the survey - the regionhas the highestnumber ofrural tourism homesteads in Lithuania. Eastern Aukštaitijaregionconsists ofAnykščiai, Ignalina, Molėtai, Utena and Zarasaidistricts. It wascomposedtwoquestionnaires. One questionnaire is committed for the owners of ruraltourismhomesteads andother questionnaire is committed for the visitors of rural tourism homesteads. The number respondentswere calculatedaccording tothe formulaSchwarze. It was presentedthe summed research results of development ruraltourism and opportunitiesin the Eastern Aukštaitija region. The rates of the rural tourismhas not changed in recent years, evenhad a tendencyto increase.The owners of the ruraltourismhomesteadsand visitorsidentify the mainstrength ofruraltourism– is the exposure of the lakeand themagnificent landscape. The main visitors of rural tourism are visitors, who are staying overnight and spend 2-3 days in rural tourism homesteads. Most visitors are tourists from Lithuania, but number of tourists from abroad is increasing. The trends of visitors have been variable in recent years. A littlelessthan half ofrural tourismhomesteads plan to develop the ruraltourism. The owners of the rural tourism homesteads, most of them are owners of homesteads, which are classified by highernumber of storks (3-4), plan to develop the rural tourism. The owners of rural tourism homesteads plan to expanse ofsummerandwinter activities, rent sports equipment,providehealth services and to organize camps, organize educational services and provide guide services. By increasing the number of places in homesteads, offering new services and entertainments owners of homesteads can expect a successful business development, but it is not enough. In summarizing foreign and Lithuanian scientists opinions by rural tourism theme, it can be said that the development of rural tourism not only promotes economic and social progress, but also enables secure and sustainable environmental development, provide opportunities for the community to develop the economy, raise living standards, protect the cultural heritage and social values, contributes solutions to rural problems as unemployment, rural mass desertion. Summarizing the literature reviews discussed rural tourism development issue, distinguished promoting and limiting external factors such as law, economic, natural, political, social and technological. Internal factors - the size of rural tourism homesteads, the number of offered services, personnel professional knowledge and the ability to communicate in a foreign language (-s), and others. There are recommendations in the article how to overcome obstructions of the development of rural tourism. In order to reduce the negative impacts of economic factors, owners of rural tourism homesteads have try to use the multi-annual EU funding programs of 2014-2020 years for financial support for development of public and private tourism infrastructure. In order to reduce the negative impact of seasonality (natural factors), for owner of the homesteads it is important to take an interest, what more services can be offered to tourists at different times of the year, with the task the maximum meet their expectations. Offering new services, in particular they need to focus on the main visitors and orientate to others groups of the tourists to visit their homesteads.In order to reduce the negative impact of technological factors, rural tourism areas have equipped with lounges, to improve Internet connection.In order to reduce the negative impact of internal factor, one of the main factor (communication in a foreign language(-s)), should be taken at the regional level long-term consultancy supporting / training programs for businesses service sector on municipal level, thereby improving entrepreneurial skills and business competitiveness by reducing barriers for communication in foreign languages of rural tourism service providers. By the same way will be reduced the negative impact of internal factors (shortage of professional knowledge, information and experience, poor knowledge of foreign languages).