Darbo sutarties pasibaigimas ir nutraukimas
Macijauskienė, Marijona Rasa |
Date Issued |
2006 |
The definition of expiry and termination of an employment contract is the issue of this paper. Article 124 (Grounds for the Expiry of an Employment Contract) of the Labour Code is passed in review. The author gives priority to both cases of expiry of an employment contract: termination of an employment contract by agreement between the parties and termination of an employment contract upon the notice of an employee. Though Labour Code has been adopted three years ago nevertheless the legal practice reveals many mistakes. Disputes in these cases go under court procedures quite often. This fact proves the topic of present paper being highly important for both the employer and employees in order to avoid ambiguities. Much of legal practice is brought to attention, also the gross mistakes of the parties are taken into account. Furthermore the comparative aspects of the related provisions of both Russian and Polish Labour Codes next to the Labour Code of Lithuania are also the matter of this paper. The main conclusions are presented at the end of the paper.
Šiame straipsnyje aptariama darbo sutarties pasibaigimo ir nutraukimo sąvoka. Analizuojami du darbo sutarties nutraukimo pagrindai, numatyti Lietuvos Respublikos darbo kodekse, t. y. darbo sutarties nutraukimas šalių susitarimu bei darbo sutarties nutraukimas darbuotojo pareiškimu. Aptariamos tiek darbdavių, tiek darbuotojų daromos klaidos šiais darbo sutarties pasibaigimo atvejais. Lyginamuoju metodu analizuojami kai kurie užsienio šalių įstatymai, susiję su šiais klausimais. Teorijai pagrįsti straipsnyje remiamasi teismine praktika, konkrečiomis Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo Civilinių bylų skyriaus Teisėjų kolegijų nutartimis, konsultacijomis, sprendimais, t. y. įstatymų taikymo praktika darbo bylose. Straipsnio pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados, patvirtinančios tyrimo rezultatus.