Kriminalistikos metodų taikymo gynėjo procesinėje veikloje metodikos principai
Date Issued |
2013 |
8 principas. Ikiteisminio tyrimo metu gynėjo iniciatyvos surenkant, pateikiant ir priimant į bylą, ikiteisminio tyrimo duomenis, kuriais neigiamas įtarimas bei duomenis, gynėjo pateikiamus teisminiam bylos nagrinėjimui, kuriais neigiamas kaltinimas, visapusiškumas. Apibendrinant darytina išvada, jog gynėjo procesinės veiklos, taikant kriminalistikos metodus, metodikos principų turinio atskleidimas bei gebėjimas juos taikyti praktikoje yra sėkmingo šiuolaikinių technologijų taikymo kriminalistinėje advokato veikloje pagrindas.
The proper implementation of the adversarial principle in criminal procedure requires improvements to existing methods as well as the creation of new methods of defence tactics during legal deliberation of a case. The defence counsel also requires knowledge of forensic theory, techniques and tactics – a certain set of skills what would allow the defence counsel to properly and effectively defend the rightful interests of the suspect, the accused or the convicted, as well as to reasonably prevent violations of their rights. The purpose of formulating defence forensics as a separate field of forensic science would be to use scientific methods to thoroughly analyse the professional work of the defence counsel and his or her use of forensic knowledge in defending the client. In order for defence methodology to be effectively applied in the practical work of the defence counsel, i.e. – to create an approach for a certain category of cases, every discrete method of defence forensics must have basis in specific information typical only to that category of cases. The article reviews the general concept of defence methodology and the main defence methodology priciples, which gives possibilities for the use of forensic science in the work of the defence counsel.