Aplinkos apsaugos vadybos sistemos diegimas VšĮ "Alytaus parkai"
Motiekaitytė, Vida | Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Straipsnyje atskleidžiami Aplinkos apsaugos vadybos sistemos (AVS) diegimo ypatumai VšĮ "Alytaus parkai". Analizuojami viešosios įstaigos veiklos aplinkos apsaugos aspektai ir akcentuojami pagrindiniai veiksniai, turintys negatyvų poveikį aplinkai ir žmonių sveikatai. Konstatuojama, kad dauguma darbuotojų suvokia įmonės veiklos neigiamas pasekmes aplinkai ir žmonių sveikatai ir pritaria, kad AVS būtų diegiama.
This paper aims at determining the peculiarities of implementing Environmental Management System (EMS) and carrying out the performance evaluation of Public Enterprise "Alytaus parkai" in terms of environmental protection and the significance of EMS implementation in this enterprise. The paper determines environmental aspects resulting out of activity carried out by the enterprise, as well as highlights the basic factors exerting negative impact on environment and human health. The paper presents the assessment of enterprise’s environmental aspects and risk with reference to the possibilities of bringing damage to environment, vulnerability of environment at local and regional levels, degree of effects (extent, frequency, and recurrence), and harmfulness to environment and related requirements under legal acts. The employees (21 person) of Public Enterprise "Alytaus parkai" were questioned by means of written questionnaire. It was determined that the majority of respondents were aware of the damage caused to environment and human health by the enterprise’s activities. The greatest part of them would prefer to have the EMS implemented; nevertheless, their evaluation of financial resources needed thereof was rather conservative. The hypothesis, raised in this research, that efficient implementation of EMS at Public Enterprise "Alytaus parkai" would facilitate it to reduce the impact exerted on environment and improve environment status, as well as allow to determine environmental problems and solutions thereof, and establish the possibility to satisfy environmental obligations, has been proved.