Socialinių partnerių vaidmuo Lietuvos darbo teisės plėtotei
Petrylaitė, Daiva |
For decades, the international community has been unanimous in agreeing on the fundamental principle of freedom of association, based on social cooperation and collective labour relations, and on the necessity and significance of the individual collective labour rights that make up it. This phenomenon and its participants have become an integral part of modern life, a reality, an axiom. However, just three decades ago in Lithuania, it was a complete innovation and an unusual phenomenon that raised more questions than answers for the social partners themselves, as well as for employees, employers, their representatives’ and authority. This article aims to review the traditions of social partnership in Lithuania, the main moments of the development of legal regulation. To achieve this goal, first of all, the results of research conducted by Professor Genovaitė Dambrauskienė are used, which are illustrated by today’s results of cooperation between social partners and supplemented by scientific insights of other authors. In this way, revealing the influence of research on the development of the legal regulation of social partnership, and at the same time the development of labour law in Lithuania as a whole.