Excellence in public governance: the role and development of doctoral studies programme in public administration
Vanags, Edvins | University of Latvia |
Date Issued |
2008 |
The excellence in public governance and education and training are very closely interconnected. A special role plays the preparation of new doctors in public administration and management - their qualification promotes excellence. The aim of this article is to show how excellence could appear in public administration and management and to analyse the Doctoral Studies Programme in Administration and Management at the University of Latvia and to show the directions of its development. The article includes main principles of the European Good Administrative Practice Code, which could be regarded as a background of excellence in public administration, goals of doctoral studies in the field of administration and management at the University of Latvia, general framework of the studies programme, contents of pro¬gramme and its organisation, as well as proposals forits further development.
Meistriškumas viešajame valdyme ir valstybės tarnautojų mokymas bei kvalifikacijos tobulinimas tarpusavyje susiję. Šiuo aspektu ypač svarbus viešojo administravimo ir vadybos daktarų rengimas -jų kvalifikacija sudaro prielaidas didinti viešojo valdymo meistriškumą. Šio straipsnio tikslas - pateikti viešojo valdymo meistriškumo formas, atskleisti Latvijos universiteto Viešojo administravimo ir vadybos doktorantūros programos ypatybes, parodyti jos svarbą viešojo valdymo meistriškumui didinti, pateikti jos plėtojimo kryptis. Straipsnyje teigiama, kad plėtojant Latvijos universiteto Viešojo administravimo ir vadybos doktorantūros programą galima remtis Europos gero administravimo patirties kodu, kuris apskritai gali tarnauti kaip meistriškumo viešajame valdyme pagrindas.