Discussion on the “Question of Vilnius” in the early years of the 20th century
Date Issued |
2016 |
In early 20th century the issue of statehood of Lithuania was the subject of heated discussions among Lithuanians, Polish, Russian, Byelorussian intellectuals and politicians. Two underlying aspects of the discussions could be distinguished. The first was related to statehood of Lithuania, whether Lithuania should seek autonomy as part of the Russian state, or become an independent unitary state or federation. The second aspect was associated with the state borders of Lithuania, i.e. its ethnic territory. When Lithuanians decided to build an independent state of Lithuania, territorial disputes between Lithuanians and Poles over Vilnius and its region arose. This paper concentrates on the political discussion of that time which was focused on such questions as: how Lithuanian intellectuals and politicians analysed and evaluated the political program on forming a federal state with Poland? What kind of arguments they used against the Polish and Byelorussian territorial claims regarding Vilnius and its region? What were the main features of the discussion of Lithuanians with the Polish and Byelorussians concerning the matter of Vilnius”?